Creating Employees and Contacts

Tip: Managers will drive the timecard approval process. Any manager of an existing employee will be able to approve the timecard of that particular employee. A manager may have subordinates under them who are also designated as managers. The employees who are at the lowest level may have their timecard approved by their direct manager or the manager above their direct manager. This hierarchy can be created with as many levels as necessary for the approval process. 

Creating Employees

1) Click on the “Navigation” Section in the Navigation Bar at the left side of the application.
2) Expand the “HR” Group by clicking on the + sign next to the "HR" Group.
3) Click on the “Employees” item.
4) Click on “New” in the ribbon bar located at the top of the application.
5) Fill in the appropriate information located in the various tabs throughout the employee record. The only required field is the Administrative Business Unit located in the “Employment Info” tab. 


6) Save and close your created employee by clicking on the “Save and Close” icon located in the ribbon bar at the top of the application (or shortcut on keyboard – “ctrl” and “enter/return”).

Creating Contacts

1) Click on the “Navigation” Section in the Navigation Bar at the left side of the application.
2) Expand the “CRM” Group by clicking on the + sign next to the “CRM” Group.
3) Click on the “Contacts” item and click on the “New” Contact icon located in the ribbon bar at the top of the application.
4) Fill in the appropriate information located on the form.
If a company has not already been created, click on the drop down arrow next to the “Company” field and select “New”. Fill out the company form and select whether the company (which will correlate to the contact) is a “Customer” or “Vendor”. If the contact is going to be tracked as a 1099 contractor, you will want to select “Vendor” for the company type. Save and close your created company by clicking on the “Save and Close” icon (or shortcut on keyboard – “ctrl” and “enter/return”). 

Tip: For contacts, internal managers will drive the timecard approval process. Any internal manager of an existing contact will be able to approve the timecard of that particular contact. An internal manager may have subordinates under them who are also designated as internal managers. The contacts at the lowest level may have their timecard approved by their direct internal managers or the internal managers above their direct internal manager. This hierarchy can be created with as many levels as necessary for the approval process.

6) Save and close your created contact by clicking on the “Save and Close” icon located in the ribbon bar at the top of the application (or shortcut on keyboard – “ctrl” and “enter/return”).

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